Thoughts from Honduras

While serving as a medical missionary in Honduras from 1999-2006 I wrote down my thoughts which I sent back to family and friends to help keep them informed of our life in Central America.  The following link takes you to my "Thoughts from Honduras" by year.

Here is my introduction to “Thought from Honduras:

Would you like to know more about life in Honduras?

 (Introduction from the first issue of "Thoughts from Honduras" in 1999)

Many folks (especially my Mom)  have asked for more details about what is going on here. As I began a letter to family, I realized that many more of our friends might also be interested in the same information. So, I have an idea. We will begin sharing "Thoughts from Honduras" via email.

 I know that some of you like to read everything that comes your way, and others barely have time to exist. So in an attempt to be "all things to all people", it is your choice! There will be nothing of vital importance in these "thoughts", so you may delete, ignore, save for a "rainy day", read, print, and / or share with others, as you so desire. That is the beauty of email.

 These communications may be true accounts, humorous, thought provoking, devotional, inner musings, wordy, words from the kids; at this point I don’t know. You may receive two in a week, or none for three months. I won’t promise anything. We will just wait and see "how the spirit moves".

to read more:

© David Drozek 2014